It's Giving - Podcast

It's Giving - Motion of the ocean or does SIZE matter? With Sarah Fontenot

It's Giving - Podcast Episode 72

Wow!!  Sometimes it's just nice to sit and work through some of the questions in your mind... and then have the conversations out loud!

Join our host @MsSarahFontenot as she dives into self awareness, empowerment, petty-ness, the real, the raw, the ugly and the transformative in this episode!!

You guys asked, so here are her answers

Ebook: How to be a high value feminine woman

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Host: Sarah Fontenot
IG: @MsSarahFontenot
✨Support the show here: ✨
Sarah Hair:www.
Use MsSarahFontenot for special discount ✨

Intro - 0:00
3:40 - how long is too long to wait on someone for marriage 
4:35 - how long are you looking for changed behavior
7:00 - at what age will you decide you’re not having children 
9:08 - men live long r when they have wives 
10:18 - if you’re seeing someone and you like them, but you’re still in the talking stages is it wrong or not wrong to have sex with someone else?
11:57 - when i choose the man I’ll sleep with, he’s already sleeping with other women? 
14:17 - I’m having a mental confliction 
15:40 - how do you quantify that 
17:40 - hyper sexuality is a form of ADHD
20:19 - intimacy definition.  
21:00 - soul sister goddess tribe  gets a different version 
21:45 - you can’t be all of who you are all the time, out 
23:46 - if an ex has a heavy loss in family, do you reach out to
25:15 - men will find any reason to reach out to you 
26:13 - why do people rush for marriage within a year 
28:00 - Christian standpoint on dating 
31:00 - i have never experienced intimate time that would make me overlook bad behavior 
32:15 - broke men are better in bed 
33:44 - if you’re young stop rushing 
35:33 - do you think millennial women are struggling bc they are independent? 
37:52 - independent is being interchanged with… i don’t need no man 
40:00 - a lot of women don’t know how to be feminine 
41:05 - LADIES, if you meet a man, DO NOT DO THIS…!
42:12 - married women are not independent women 
43:00 - the definition of independent is not bad…
44:00 - your bride price is high 
45:25 - ladies you have to take care of yourself and not act like It 
46:10 - what is the difference between independence and interdependence? 
47:11 - women are expected to forgive and give Grace to men, but it doesn’t work the other way around, why?
48:10 - do you buy into the trend of broke men don’t deserve P***y
51:17 - should a man drive to you, pick you up, meet half way or meet you there on first date 
53:22 - if my woman got done up for me but posted It on socials before, what does that mean? 
56:25 - there’s a level of sexy you shouldn’t post on socials
57:55 - where do you think the line of delusion starts - the 4 needs 
1:03:50 - how can i love my woman if she doesn’t reciprocate? 

Support the show

Host: Sarah Fontenot
IG: @MsSarahFontenot

✨Support the show here:

Sarah Hair:
Use: MSSARAHFONTENOT for special discount